Page 98 - BAF Architect Lookbook Digital Version - Ho Gia Phat Vietnam
P. 98


                C ARBON


                                                                        Envisioned in 2010 as Hong Kong’s first
                                                                        zero-emission building, ZCB, is so efficient it

                                                                        returns surplus electricity to the local power
                                                                        grid. However, the humid, subtropical climate
                                                                        presents unique challenges – temperatures
                                                                        range  from pleasant in  winter to stiflingly

                                                                        hot and humid in summer. ZCB has no need
                                                                        for mechanical heating,  but  it requires an
                                                                        ingenious ventilation and cooling solution.

                                                                        Installing a typical, inefficient air conditioner
                                                                        would have caused ZCB to be unable to meet
                                                                        the designers’ goal of striking a balance with


                                                                        ZCB is designed for optimum ventilation,

                                                                        but ventilation alone isn’t enough to keep
                                                                        occupants cool in summer. Designers
                                                                        incorporated several active cooling features,
                                                                        including a floor cooling system and a

                                                                        chilled-beam convective air conditioner.
                                                                        ZCB also installed Big Ass Fans – 11 Essence,
                                                                        one Powerfoil X3.0 and six Haiku fans – to

                                                                        further improve ventilation and localized
                                                                        cooling. The system is much more efficient
                                                                        than  typical  air  conditioning,  helping  ZCB

                                                                        maintain its  status as the  premier eco-
                                                                        building in Hong Kong.
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