Page 50 - BAF Architect Lookbook Digital Version - Ho Gia Phat Vietnam
P. 50

Project: Hickok Cole Headquarters
                                                                                       Location: Washington, D.C.
                                                                                       Fan Model: Essence in Silver & Black

                                                                                       Although beautiful, the soaring
                                                                                       height of the skylights presented

                                                                                       a unique design challenge as
                                                                                       well. “The volume of space
                                                                                       requiring conditioning posed
                                                                                       concerns about temperature
                                                                                       stratification, cold downdrafts

                                                                                       in the winter, and sprinkler pipe
                                                                                       freezing,” said Randy Stogsdill
                                                                                       RA, Senior Project Designer
                                                                                       for Hickok Cole. “Big Ass Fans

                                                                                       provided us with a model of
                                                                                       our  space  to  demonstrate  how
                                                                                       a  few  fans  underneath  the
                                                                                       skylights would circulate the
                                                                                       air to address these challenges

                                                                                       and eliminate the need to install
                                                                                       expensive heating elements
                                                                                       along the skylight edges.”

                                                                                       For Hickok Cole, finding the
                                                                                       right  design    solution   that
                                                                                       responds to the building and
                                                                                       site is critical to exceeding their

                                                                                       client expectations – even when
                                                                                       they are the client themselves.
                                                                                       “The Essence model provided a
                                                                                       nice blend of clean and modern

                                                                                       with an industrial look that tied
                                                                                       with both the building’s history
                                                                                       and its updated contemporary
                                                                                       aesthetic,” said Stogsdill. “And,
                                                                                       given the scale of the space,

                                                                                       we wanted something that felt
                                                                                       appropriately  sized—Big  Ass
                                                                                       Fans delivered.”
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